Open a Live Account and start receiving trading signals from Trading Central & Autochartist.
Trading Central is a leading technical analysis research house that provides market insights and trading signals.
To start using Trading Central, please open a Live trading account. We will need you to fill in a questionnaire and submit your documents in order to activate your account.
To start trading live, choose your preferred payment method and make a deposit.
Select your favorite trading pair and go to the Trading Central section in the Active Symbol Panel where you can view the targets and execute the signal.
Install the Trading Central plugin and then go to the Indicators section to look for TC Technical Analysis in the list. Double click the folder “TRADING CENTRAL” and drag an indicator onto the chart screen to get actionable insights on the spot.
Autochartist is a powerful pattern recognition tool that can inform your trading decisions.
Autochartist is only available on cTrader, so please make sure that you open a cTrader Live account. Then, please fill in a questionnaire and submit your documents in order to activate your account.
To start trading live, choose your preferred payment method and make a deposit.
Go to the Active Symbol Panel and click the Autochartist tab. Then select your instrument to display the available patterns. Choose a pattern and click the Buy or Sell button according to what the signal suggests.
Completa la pagina di registrazione
e seleziona
"Crea conto".
Quando sei nell'area cliente protetta procedi allegando il tuo Documento d'Identita' e la tua Prova di Residenza.
Quando il tuo conto reale sara' approvato potrai depositare fondi e cominciare a fare trading sulla piattaforma che hai scelto!
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