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TopFX cTrader Desktop 4.0 update

26/05/20214 mins. read

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TopFX cTrader has now chart improvements & more trading tools
We are pleased to announce that we have rolled out important updates on TopFX cTrader desktop. These updates concern improvements with chart capabilities, the addition of news and trading signals and cTrader Automate updates. In summary, this is how your trading experience has been upgraded:

    • Manage your charts from a single space with the new Chart Toolbar.
    • Work more efficiently in multi & free chart modes with the Active Charts functionality.
    • Copy and paste your chart drawings from one chart to another, duplicate your charts and use Smart Chart Search.
    • Simplify your most common trading tasks with the new wider list of Hotkeys.
    • Get the help you need with the platform’s improved Help Centre.
    • FXStreet news integration. Access FXStreet news from your Active Symbol Panel and never fall behind with important news and fundamentals.
    • Autochartist. Use the well-known pattern analysis tool to make informed trading decisions and follow the suggested recommendations with just one click.
    • Improve your algo trading with cTrader Automate’s new updates.

Log in to the client area to download TopFX cTrader or if you are already using it, launch the platform to view the updates. For more info, please take a look at a mini-tutorial below.Trade Now


Active Chart and Chart Toolbar

The new “Active Chart” functionality improves chart interaction using the keyboard. The selected chart will handle chart related hotkeys and commands from the new Chart Toolbar.

Active charts are useful when working in Multi or Free chart modes since it removes uncertainty regarding the selected chart.

Hotkeys for the Active Chart

You can configure to change the symbol in Active Chart from MarketWatch or TradeWatch. Additionally, you can sync the Active Chart with the Active Symbol Panel for maximum convenience.

Some of the new hotkeys simplify the most common tasks in cTrader and others bring new useful features. See the list of new hotkeys below.

You can see the list of all hotkeys in settings and change default assigned keys.

    • Space - Open Smart Chart Search
    • Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, Ctrl + X - Copy, paste and cut chart drawings
    • Ctrl + Tab, Ctrl + Shift + Tab - Switch between charts
    • Ctrl + Q - Show/hide side menu on the left
    • Ctrl + W - Show/hide Tradewatch at the bottom
    • Ctrl + E - Show/hide Active Symbol Panel on the right
    • Ctrl + N, Ctrl + Shift + N - Open new chart, attached or detached
    • Ctrl + D, Ctrl + I - Open Object Manager on Drawings or Indicators tab
    • Ctrl + A - Select all drawings
    • Ctrl + H - Hide/show all drawings
    • F1 - Open Help Center
    • Shift + Drawing - Constrained drawing: 45 degrees for lines, rectangle, or circle
    • Ctrl + Drawing - Keep drawing instrument selected after finishing with drawing

Smart Chart Search

Smart Chart Search is a new and fast way to change a symbol or period, add cBot or indicator, or apply a chart template. Press the Space bar and start typing. Use the Down and Up keys to select an item and the Enter key to apply changes.

Copy and Paste Chart Drawings

Use Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to copy and paste drawings between charts. Drawings are copied as JSON formatted text so you can share them with others.

Duplicate chart

You can now fully duplicate a chart with the exact symbol, drawings, indicators, and settings by selecting Duplicate in the right-click menu.


FX Street News

The addition of FXStreet's latest news and trading updates that can be found on the ASP (Active Symbol Panel), ensures traders stay on top of market opportunities in real-time, without leaving their trading space.


The Autochartist Pattern Analysis tool can help you make more informed trading decisions, get acquainted with different technical analysis concepts, and gain extra validation of your own analysis. The analysis is generated per symbol, for a timeframe as low as 15 minutes, providing you with a graphical illustration and information on the direction of potential price movement along with the forecasted price.

Help Center

The Help Center, located in the bottom left corner of your platform, combines Help Guides, What's New,, Open API, Useful Links, Contact, and About cTrader in a single place for your convenience.


cBots and custom indicators now can handle keyboard events and assign custom hotkeys.

Read more here: What's new in cTrader Automate API 4.0

API for handling chart activation/ deactivation

Only an active chart will get keyboard and custom hotkey events. New API allows tracking when a chart is activated and deactivated.

API changes for drawings events

With the introduction of multiple selected drawings, the following events have changed: ObjectAdded, ObjectUpdated, ObjectRemoved, ObjectSelectionChanged.

New cBot: Sample Hotkey Trading

A new cBot sample was added to demonstrate the hotkeys API.
With this cBot, you can send market Buy and Sell orders, and close positions using configurable hotkeys. It can be used with Visual Backtesting for manual strategies testing.Trade Now


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