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Copy trade on your mobile with the TopFX cTrader app

26/05/20212 mins. read

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TopFX has recently launched copy trading for Android devices, through the cTrader app. This is a major update that has been requested multiple times from traders. Copy trading is an excellent way to participate in the markets, especially if you are new to Forex or CFDs trading or have no time to conduct your own analysis. When you copy trade, you just choose tested trading strategies from other traders and you follow them with the click of a button

Specifically, cTrader Copy allows you to:

    • Filter strategies according to Return on Investment, strategy age, strategy popularity, fees and copying capital.
    • Enjoy complete transparency by viewing the full performance history of each strategy. You can access the strategy's profit factor, maximum balance drawdown, total trades, winning trades, total pips won and more.
    • Add or remove the allocated funds easily.
    • Start and stop copying with the click of a button.
    • Manage your risk with separate copy trading accounts. Instead of having all your strategies under one consolidated account, TopFX cTrader allows you to evaluate and apply equity stop losses for each individual strategy.


1. Download the app and access the Copy Screen

Simply tap the Copy tab, at the bottom Navigation menu of the app.

2. View the available strategies to copy.

Here is how your Copy Screen looks like when you choose the List format. You can also view the strategies as cards.

Please note that the Minimum Investment amount refers to the minimum amount that the Strategy Provider requires you to invest in their strategy and start copying it.

“M” refers to the required Management Fee, “P” refers to the required Performance Fee and “V” to the required Volume Fee. Very rarely a Strategy provider will charge all types of fees and the majority will just charge you a Performance fee.

The figure at the top right of every strategy section refers to the Return on Investment that the strategy had within the defined period. In our example above, the Strategy had a +2435.56% within one month (1M).

3. Filter the strategies according to your requirements.

Account type: View Live, Demo or strategies applied on all account types.

Strategy Age: You may choose newer or older strategies.

ROI %: Select your preferred Return on Investment rate in a percentage format.

ROI period: Select the ROI period of your chosen strategy.

Copiers: You may prefer strategies with less or more followers.

Copying Capital: Here you filter the strategies according to your copying capital.

Lastly, you can filter strategies, according to the type and amount of fees you are willing to pay.

4. Start Copying!

Once you have selected your strategy, just tap the “Start Copying” button. Then select the account you want to use for copying (if you have multiple), enter your desired investment amount and proceed with tapping “Start Copying” once more

If you prefer to copy trade on desktop, you can view the desktop version here.

Mengapa TopFX
13+ tahun

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Situs web yang sekarang Anda lihat dioperasikan oleh TopFX Global Ltd, entitas yang diatur oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (FSA) Seychelles dengan Lisensi Dealer Sekuritas No SD037 yang tidak didirikan di Uni Eropa atau diatur oleh Otoritas Kompeten Nasional UE.

Jika Anda ingin melanjutkan, harap konfirmasikan bahwa Anda memahami dan menerima risiko yang terkait dengan perdagangan dengan entitas non-UE (karena risiko-risiko ini dijelaskan dalam Own Formulir Pengakuan Inisiatif dan bahwa keputusan Anda akan menjadi inisiatif eksklusif Anda sendiri dan bahwa tidak ada permintaan yang dibuat oleh TopFX Global Ltd atau entitas lain dalam Grup.

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