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TopFX Attends Traders Fair in Vietnam and Celebrates Opening of New Office

03/01/20232 mins. read

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TopFX attended the Vietnam Traders Fair in Ho Chi Minh City on December 10th. The Traders Fair series of financial events, which first debuted in Asia in 2018, features educational seminars and workshops with trading experts from all over the world who share their experience of foreign exchange, stocks, and futures.

Our CEO, Alex Katsaros and Vietnam Country Manager, Ngo Thi Lien, arrived at the ADORA Premium in Vietnam, where we discussed all the benefits of trading with TopFX, such as their competitive spreads, cutting-edge platforms, and quick trade execution. Additionally, as part of our ongoing effort to keep expanding internationally, we networked with Asian clients and increased our understanding of their market demands.

To make the event more enjoyable, we held a raffle competition where the lucky winner earned a $500 trading bonus. Attendees loved participating while the winner posed in pictures with the giant check!

In addition, we're thrilled to announce the opening of our new office in Vietnam, where it will concentrate on meeting the needs of Vietnamese clients to maintain its objective of rapid growth, global presence and market diversification.

“The grand opening of our new office was exhilarating since there were plenty of clients, IBs and investors! I believe our international expansion is just getting started, and there are many more exciting projects in store.” –Ngo Thi Lien.

The TopFX global team is growing daily due to our attendance at an increasing number of financial events and international offices opening in new locations. We also anticipate the iFX expo in Dubai, which will be held from January 16–18, 2023, our first financial expo of the new year.

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