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TopFX Appoints Vince De Castro as Chief Marketing Officer

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Established in 2010, TopFX has steadily risen as a prominent entity within the financial industry, setting new standards in providing liquidity solutions to brokers and investment firms.

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As a leading name in financial services and liquidity solutions, TopFX proudly stood out as one of the distinguished participants at the Smart Vision Investment Expo in Egypt.

2 mins. read

iFX EXPO, the world's foremost financial B2B expo, has brought together professionals in financial services across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East for over a decade.

2 mins. read

On February 15th and 16th, we were in Bahrain for the Fintech & Crypto Summit.

2 mins. read

We participated in our first expo of 2023, the world's first and biggest financial business-to-business exhibition, the iFX Expo, in Dubai.

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TopFX's CEO, Alex Katsaros and their Vietnam Country Manager, Ngo Thi Lien, arrived at the ADORA Premium in Vietnam, discussing all the benefits of trading with TopFX.

2 mins. read

TopFX, a CFDs broker with a 12-year presence in the industry, exhibited at the 3-day Smart Vision Investment Expo in Egypt on November 3rd, 5th and 6th. The Smart Vision Investment Expo is one of the biggest financial market events in the Middle East and holds the Top 50 in Financial Markets awards.

2 mins. read

TopFX attended the Wiki Finance Expo in Dubai on the 25th and 26th of September, organised by WikiExpo, the leading event organiser in trading and financial services that have served hundreds of financial institutions to network across Asia and the Middle East.

2 mins. read

TopFX had the pleasure of attending the iFX EXPO in Bangkok, Thailand between the 13th and 15th of August, organized by Ultimate Fintech, which has a long history of connecting businesses across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

2 mins. read

Our Head of Sales & BD Omar Al-Janabi, talks about the challenges of Business Development in the FX industry.

3 mins. read

TopFX completes a successful seminar & networking event in Dubai

2 mins. read

Our Head of Retention, Rachelle Matta, talks about her role and the change she aspires to create.

2 mins. read

In her recent interview in Fazacco, our Head of Marketing, Maria Meramveliotaki, talks about...

2 mins. read

Our Head of MENA, Omar Al-Janabi talks about his experience with the traders in the MENA region

3 mins. read

Interview with Myrsini Giannouli

2 mins. read

TopFX has recently participated in one of the largest Expo of Financial Market...

2 mins. read

TopFX has recently attended the Forex Expo Dubai 2021, the largest trading event for Forex Professionals & FX Trading Businesses

2 mins. read

The latest reports by economic analysts indicate that the German elections...

1 min. read

The latest reports by economic analysts indicate that USD/JPY...

1 min. read

The latest reports by economic analysts indicate that WTI Crude Oil...

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The latest reports by economic analysts indicate that Dow Jones...

1 min. read

The latest reports by economic analysts indicate that AUD/USD...

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The latest reports by economic analysts indicate that S&P Futures...

1 min. read

The latest reports by economic analysts indicate that WTI Crude oil...

1 min. read
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