- 适用于外汇、指数、能源和金属的一级聚合流动性
- 通过 LD4(伦敦)和 Ny4(纽约)的 Equinix Data Center 实现超低延迟
- 小点差和即时执行
- 一级高流动性
- 超低延迟,不会出现跳空或震荡
- 行业最优价,行业领先的执行速度
Based on your selection, you will register for an account with Fondex Limited, which is authorised and regulated as a Securities Dealer by the Financial Services Authority of Seychelles with License number SD037. Fondex Limited is not part of the European regulatory framework and is not in scope of (among others) the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) II. In addition, there is no provision for an investor compensation scheme.
Before you proceed, please confirm that the decision was made independently and at your own exclusive initiative and that no solicitation or recommendation has been made by TopFX and/or Fondex or any other entity within the group.